The widespread availability of medical literature and easy access to scores of material in the mass media in the Western nations about health issues and disease control makes it easier for its citizens to be informed about disease and possible treatment protocols. Alas, this is not the case with many of the people afflicted with deadly diseases in the developing world.
In India for example, the priorities of Government health policy continue to focus on eradication of communicable and parasitic diseases or population control. Sadly, there is a dearth of coordinated agencies or programs at a community level to educate the masses on deadly diseases like cancer for example. It remains a fact that over 700,000 new cases of cancer and over 300,000 deaths occur annually due to cancer in India, while the extent of awareness of cancer, its causes, the treatment options, etc. are very limited.
Partners and Resource Providers:
We have identified Mukesh Foundation as our strategic partner for the state of Kerala. The leader behind the foundation (Actor Mukesh from Kerala) will become the brand ambassador for the Cancer Awareness Program in Kerala and will take the leadership in promoting awareness at grass root levels. We anticipate the involvement of leaders from various facets of life including politicians, renowned doctors, business men, social workers, survivors and cine-artistes .
In USA, All Kerala Medical Graduates and Indian Nurses Association, Michigan chapter are taking lead roles in this noble cause. Awareness materials are licensed from Susan G Komen ® , National Institute of Health and American cancer Society. In the initial phase of the project, a set of document are translated to Malayalam language under the written permission from these organizations.
How the Money will be Spent?
— Mass produce material in simple to understand local languages and through other media efforts, disseminate the material at rural clinics and medical centers throughout Kerala (Source material provided by Susan G Komen®, American Cancer Society etc).
— Work closely with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to disseminate Cancer prevention, treatment and post treatment care information by organizing Awareness Events.
— Create Cancer Awareness videos and broadcast through local TV, FM channels
— Provide TV and DVD kits to hospitals and run Cancer Awareness videos in district, medical and private hospitals
— Provide basic infrastructure to hospitals that will help promote the Cancer Awareness initiative (Awareness Cell-In-A-Box)
— Seek support and cooperation of the local people to sustain this noble cause by encouraging participation in Cancer Walkathons to raise money, and funds to help cancer victims